Monday, November 19, 2012

semua akan OK !


Greeting people.. J how r u guys doing? Great? How’s everything going in life? Study? Work? Love? J
Again, its been quite while since my last post, most likely almost 2months I guess. J
Oh, I miss writing blogs, diary, sharing stories, to have sumone knowing  whats going on in my life. J
* hehe, ada eyh? :P *
And hey people, know what, I’ve passed my final exam for the final year of my study, Alhamdulillah, O Allah!
And right now I’m struggling, patiently waiting to graduate, and yes I do enjoy my last practical posting, the Operation Theatre (OT).
* well actually I don’t really  having much  fun laa ‘cause OT is freaking  cold place  for a small thin  creature like me, in fact I wish of having an extra longer bladder right now,  LOL!*

Actually, lately I felt like I’m in cloud 9 lah, why? J 
hehe, hmm  I’m in love, yah  I’m in love, again I’m in love!!!
Just wanna say, thank you awak for always being there for me, giving support since the first time we known each other, you are a great friend and best of all you are the most coolest lover! J
Thank you for the ring, dear.. it’s a huge baby step for us, and our relationship, well its quite terrifying me to think that we are one step closer to make the biggest decision that gonna change our whole life after this, just thank you for convincing me,
 thank you for loving me, dear. J
*geli loya tekak tak, geli tak?? ahaha*

p/s: semoga semuanya diberkati Allah SWT :)

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