Thursday, January 26, 2012

Glucose Deficit


Haii guess what, its 3.03 am. And I'm not sleeping yet. Yes!!
What's happening to me? Makin lama makin menjadi2 pulak kegiatan nocturnal aku nih.. 
Puan Teo da pesan da, 
" ....masalah you sekarang ni tak cukup air dalam badan, and tell me at what time you go to sleep..? ....Haa see, tido pun tak cukup then now you gadoh jumpa I cakap your sclera kuning lah sakit this sakit that...." 
Bla..bla..ok fine sudah, it does ring the bell.
Hmm just now, there's so many thing going on my mind, oh btw just finish with the HIV AIDS report..Arghh finally! 
And just now jugak, aku finally SEDAR DIRI. 
Yes..sedar diri. Maksudnya, aku sedar yang selama ni aku selalu melakukan perkara yang disebaliknya.
For example; aku cakap aku taknak dah buat benda ni. Siap cakap lagi enough is enough. Dengar macam wah sungguh2 aje tekadnya.
Tapi it turn out aku yang break it, it goes the other way round
 * entah betul ke tak apa aku merepek ni, err konpius sekejap..haha
Whatever, but the point is.......starting from now on, disini bersaksikan air kopi Guara ni, 
* faham tak,? ok maksudnya TAKNAK buat apa2 dah, meaning berpeluk tubuh sahaja..malas nak ambil kisah apa yang tak perlu dikisahkan supaya takpayah nak susah payah kisahkan lagi kisah2 tu kat blog ni. ahaha.. sewel.
Ok dah laa tu, tak larat dah nak kisahkan kisah ni. Dah nak buat tak kisah dah. 
* Hey why dun I just shut down the screen and go to sleep.? Haa good idea! ahaha..

Goodnight Penang..!! I'm done here! See you later in coming 2months..Oww I'm gonna mish mish you like soo soo much much dear Penang..
* bak sini nak cubit pipi sikit penang..! ahaha
Kota Bharu...,watch out because ayem is kambing bek!

p/s : apa lah nak jadi kat anak pak lan ni.. Merepek sambil makan kerepek. *or maybe due to lack of glucose in the brain that make me like this haa..??btw, I consumed lots of caffeine lately..oh no! 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Makcik Vs Ladies


Oh harini baru lepas shooping dgn kak yanti and baby fifi.
Ok nak dijadikan ceqitenye, kami mencarik baju-baju.
Btw, its CNY which stand for chinese new year ok soo, as we meredah mall tu kak yanti ternampak lah cheongsam yang bole tahan cantik.
And she said, " oi cantik jugak aku tengok, agak2 kalo aku pakai cun dak..? "
I was like, "....what...??? "
Apa kemenda apa kehalnya hang ni kak yanti ui nak pakai cheongsam, dah buang tebiat ke hape..?
Hahaha..I tot she's just kidding, but no! Dia betul2 nak beli. Gile hang ni..
Terus lah tarik dia pegi department lain.. 
Then I saw this department fills with lots and lots of baju2 yang berwarna warni berpattern2..Terus mata membulat, mulut ternganga, kaki berjalan mendahului badan, laju jer tolak stroller fifi.
Terus cakap jom masuk!
It was department untuk baju pangkat makcik2.
Haha, terus influence dia, cakap, "..hey u should try this, this..and this one.."
Terus dia cakap, "..ui apa kebenda lah taste hang nih, macam makcik makcik lah.."
Tapi ok what I think its not makcik2 kinda style sangat laa, suits ur status kan, I'm married and got a new baby.
Ok lah tu, its ladies style, oh right now I just love ladies style. Yup memang sekali pandang macam makcik tapi makcik is great. Howyeah hi-5 for makcik style..!! 
Try punya try we end up with none. Ahaha..
Last2 baby jugak dapat baju, hehe..
Ok tamat lah kisah shopping.

Then just now I was reading to Fatin Liyana's blog. The cute girl doctor-to be. :)
Ok then tengok lah tips2 dia, then I become rigid. 
Why? Because she's so damn cute! 
Her style, uh why can't I be like her? She look like teen, and I,.. I'm so like MAKCIK!
And I was wondering selama ni I'm like sempoi la jugak dalam berpakaian nih, suka jugak lar ikut tren and benda2 yang up-to-date.
But now, present, marjapada, kini I'm turning into MAKCIK!!! 
Kenapa berlaku sedemikian rupa?
I dunno?
Pengaruh umur?
Rileks wei, umur baru 20 wei.! *tak officially lagi cukup 21 ok guys, ehehe
Entah laa, right now, rasa malas dah nak pakai cun2 segak2 cantik2 up-to-date bagai nih..
Bukan nak mati dah! Ahaha, cuma ada sedikit kesedaran saja. Sikit baru pengisian dalam hidupku yang sebelumnya kosong lagi kontang ini..Ohh *ayat tuh!

Teringat pulak kisah2 para Anbiya, mereka semua para wali yang sangat warak sangat zuhud. Pakaian mereka sangat lah sederhana, mereka memakai bukan untuk bermegah, pakai yang sedia ada gunakan sehabis baik. Baju itu dipakai sampai terkoyak, jika terkoyak, akan ditampungnya supaya masih boleh dipakai. 
Rasulullah sendiri menjahit menampung koyakan2 dibajunya. Takkan dibeli baju yang baru selagi baju yang lama masih boleh dipakai. Masya-Allah..
Hmm, rasa malu pada diri sendiri. Tak pernah rasa puas dengan apa yang ada.
Haa la nih, bila duit pun tak ramai, mula lah otak berfikir suruh appreciate baju2 yang ada, tho nafsu nih memberontak2 bagai dihempas diterajang dek amukan ombak badai nak meng update baju2 baru.
Hadoi mak!!
Kuatkan lah semangat aku ni...
Lemah sangat, ketaq pala lutut aku nih bila tengok perkataan SALE SALE 70% 50% 
Sabaq banyak2 naa moon.. hang kuat oi..

Alamak, tak bole jadi nih.. Otak kena maintain sewel tho penampilan dah macam makcik2.
Kalo tak, haa baik aku pakai kain batik pegi mall lagi bgus! 
*Emm cun jugak, tak penah dibuatnya orang lagi, mana nak tau nanti jadi bole jadik trend setter.. agaga
Ok dah diam kau moon sewel, dushhh!!
Apa2 pun laa ni, nak pakai aja apa yang ada, nanti ada duit lebih sikit baru beli baju baru, ehehe
Tapiiiii..yang penting aku rasa aku tak jadik fashion victim, gaduh nak update ikut sangat fashion yang tengah in sekarang sampai terkadang tak tersedar yang diri terover tersasul dalam berpakaian. Jangan sampai orang cop tak sedar diri sudah! 
So peringat diri siap2, bersederhana lah dalam segala perkara.
Tak kisah laa dalam apa2 hal sekalipun, baik makan, pakai, perkataan, perbuatan and so on.

Btw, ni lah style yang tengah terngiang-ngiang dlm kepala aku sekarang ni. 
It ladies style btw, bukan makcik sangat, *tho kita selalu nampak makcik2 suka pakai nih, hehe


What do you think..? What do you think..?
Gosh.. I need some inspiration..!! Kindly, gimme sum of ur thoughts and comments.. 
But beware, yang penting kena jaga aurat!!
Kan kan :)

p/s: Nak ladies tapi kekal cute, manis, sempoi sejajar dengan umur..  Ehe ;)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Flight Of Ideas


At this very moment, first; I can’t sleep, second; I got this so many things and ideas going on my mind.
Let me tell you how was my day, well today was a quite wake up call for me and those students.
Ok, its now official. I’ve become YDP MBIL untuk our group, this year I mean.  Minggu lepas after penyerahan tugas, still feels ok lagi macam takde menda lah sangat.
Well actually I was wrong, there’s a lot of stuff I have to deal and manage with.
Ok, rileks, tarik nafas..
Macam hari ni, its has become my new duty untuk menegur pelajar2 kolej ni dari segala aspek, terutamanya mengenai rules and regulation that students have to abide to.
Saya malas sangat nak ikut macam senior2 lepas, selalu nak mengangkat status SENIORITI. Macam bagus sangat padahal diri sendiri berjalan tak betul which is actually I’m pointing this to myself laa.
So I end up giving them a “Takzikah Petang Bersama Akak Moon.”
Haha yah it turned out to be a tazkirah,. Lectured by me. :P
I’m taking my time pot-peting,..bla..bla..bla..
About kolej, asrama, manners, girl stuffs, rules, and most important is the usage of cellphone in college’s compound from 8-5pm which is strictly prohibited by our college administration.
Yeah, its true, we can’t use our phone during the office hour in college.
Excluding our room during recess period.
The point is, juniors you guys must obey to this so-called rules because we the seniors have been abiding it ever since we first stepped in.
 I got so fired up when I saw  this one girl with  ‘selamba badaknya’ using cellphone talking to anonymous during the office hour in college’s compound in front of us the seniors..!
Well you do have some guts to do it in public, huh girl.
Nevertheless, its so important for us including myself to give respect to others in order to gain back the respect.
If you just can’t respect yourself, please do think about others. Those who the ‘skema’ one which tak pernah langgar peraturan, because you know what, its become a tradition whereby ‘sorang buat salah, semua kena’ or you can also say ‘sorang berak, satu kelas berbau’ ok sorry if its too kasar. 
But that’s the truth, rules will always be rules. 
You can’t change it.

Next agenda please! 
Just now,  we had a meeting with ahli jawatankuasa tertinggi MBIL, regarding the farewell party for Sem6 our super seniors which will be on May, 2012. InsyaAllah.
Ok we’ve discussed about the themes that we have to list it down for our Pengarah Kolej to choose.
We’ve short-listed the themes to 5, which are;

1)      Back To The Root ( Gadis Melayu-Tradisional concept)
2)      Arabian Aladdin Night ( Desert Middle East style )
3)      Vintage chic ( Country English style )
4)      Beyond The Hidden ( Masquerade Lady )
5)      Pancar Aurora ( Colours Show )

I personally love the Arabian theme. So do the others board member, because it ‘ lawa-wallah’..! :D
But lets leave it to Puan Pengarah, the juries will decide. Hoho
So we got problems, as usual.
Regarding budgets and the venue.
Budget, emm lets not talk about it here, but the venue is THE MAJOR DISASTER if we can’t find the solution ASAP.
Its actually regarding rules and regulations *again, here in Kelantan The Land of Serambi Mekah!
Do you know that it takes a lot of procedures if we want to throw a dinner party which comprises open stage perfomances and involving men in it..?
You  have to get the license kebenaran and pengesahan from  Majlis Agama Islam Kelantan, Majlis Perbandaran Kota Bharu and bermacam-macam majlis lagi.
Emm, yah we can ask and send a proposal as what they want according to the procedures, but I’m so confident 110% that it’ll be rejected as before for certain concrete reasons.
Still, we’ll send the proposal later, and just hoping and praying that it’ll be DILULUSKAN.
*crossing my fingers

Ok now I’m developing this psychiatric symptoms, Flight Of Ideas.
Which scared me, if you notice thank you. *berleter keseorangan
I got this so many ideas, it all in the same time. Everything just running into my head right now.
And I can’t sleep though I’ve already drank a glass of warm milk, its FernLeaf Full Crème by the way :P
Hey tomorrow got lots of things to do.
Meeting again, and stuffs.
By the way, juniors please don’t hate me for what I’ve said during the roll-call session. Its our duty to “ saling ingat-mengingati dan saling berpesan-pesan sesama Muslim, khususnya.. J
So, ok I’ll try to sleep now.
Wish me luck peeps.
Selamat Malam semua!

p/s: " Ya Allah, Permudahkan segala urusanku di dunia dan akhirat. Bimbinglah aku dalam melakukan keputusan yang terbaik bagi diriku, duniaku, agamaku, serta akhiratku, Amin."

Friday, January 13, 2012

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue..


Well its 2012.
Its a cloudy, and breezy day here in Kota Bharu. I love being here. 2 years in Kelantan, had taught me many new things. I got the chance to see 'different side of the world'. 
Yah, Kelantan is different. The people and the culture. 
You may like living here but also you may not like it. It depends on people.
I remember last time I spoke to my teacher back in high school. He said, 

" Muni its Ok to go and study there ( Kelantan ) but to settle down, maybe no. That's my advice to you. Think about it. " 

Honestly, I don't get the point why he told me that. ?? 
Whatever it is, "di mana bumi dipijak, di situ langit dijungjung." Right.
The fact that I love being here is, the 'Keislaman' that Kelantan possess .
Thats the main reason.
Its not about the non-urban thing or the 'sifat terlalu kenegerian' that matters. It their culture, let it be. Its non of my business.
Nevertheless, I'm so glad and thankful to Allah SWT  I'm still alive at this very moment.
Still breathes the fresh air, feast by  the great creation, warmth by the sun, and walks in this great land.
Alhamdulillah O Allah.!
 Its a new dawn of hope and life.

O Allah,
" Blessed me with Your guidance, simplify my affairs in this world and Hereafter. Guide me to be a righteous Muslim, and give success to thy blessed. "

:) here are some of the pictures me and friends in our new colour. 
Its RED..!!

Macam Red Warriors tak..? 
*ahaha perasan
So this is the final year, wuhoooo!!
One step closer to become an adult. Hehe
So lets pray this year will be a year that fill with lots of love and memories, sweet one I hope. 

p/s : Dear 2012, please be nice to me. 

Monday, January 9, 2012


Sometimes we just have to let go, in order to proceed. It doesn't mean you are giving in, its the way to wining over.

p/s : yeah!

Saturday, January 7, 2012



Sebenarnya hati ini cinta kepada Mu
Sebenarnya diri ini rindu kepada Mu
Tapi aku tidak mengerti
Mengapa cinta masih tak hadir
Tapi aku tidak mengerti
Mengapa rindu belum berbunga

Sesungguhnya walau ku kutip
Semua permata di dasar lautan
Sesungguhnya walau ku siram
Dengan air hujan dari tujuh langit Mu
Namun cinta tak kan hadir
Namun rindu takkan ber bunga

Ku cuba menghulurkan
Sebuah hadiah kepada Mu
Tapi mungkin kerana isinya
Tidak sempurna tiada seri

Ku cuba menyiramnya
Agar tumbuh dan berbunga
Tapi mungkin kerana airnya
Tidak sesegar telaga kauthar

Sesungguhnya walau ku kutip
Semua permata di dasar lautan
Sesungguhnya walau ku siram
Dengan air hujan dari tujuh langit Mu
Namun cinta tak kan hadir
Namun rindu tak akan berbunga
Jika tidak mengharap rahmat Mu
Jika tidak menagih simpati
Pada Mu ya Allah

Tuhan hadiahkanlah kasih Mu kepadaku
Tuhan kurniakanlah rinduku kepada Mu
Moga ku tahu
Syukur ku hanyalah milik Mu

p/s:  All time faveret song  :')


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